Enhancing TANF Software: RiteTrack MER View
by Casey Bader
At Handel IT, we continuously update RiteTrack to enhance standard functionality and improve the user experience. Project managers and support staff maintain regular contact with customers, not only for support but also to gather feedback and suggestions. I learned during a user training session years ago that users of RiteTrack, or any software system, often count the number of clicks it takes to perform an action. These users frequently suggest improvements based on their daily interactions with the system and their most common activities. To this end, Handel prioritizes listening to its user base to expand RiteTrack while making it more efficient.
This user-focused approach is especially important for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) programs, which provide essential services to families striving for stability. TANF agencies not only offer financial assistance but also help parents gain employment, access services and education to encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families and help reduce the number of out-of-wedlock pregnancies. TANF programs often collaborate with Employment and Training programs working with TANF clients to provide education, certifications, and job
placement services – critical resources that these programs provide together to transform the future of young families. Additionally, direct monthly benefits help low-income households maintain stable living conditions, allowing children to remain in their homes whenever possible. Given the many moving parts in TANF case management, efficiency is key. The more streamlined the system, the more time caseworkers can devote to meaningful, outcome-driven services rather than navigating complex software solutions.
RiteTrack TANF Software
Listening to Our Users
The RiteTrack TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) software is one of the most intricate and comprehensive solutions we offer. Much of its complexity lies behind the scenes, where monthly aid calculations are performed, and federal datasets are generated for grant reporting. However, these calculations and reports require significant data entry. With RiteTrack, this data entry is typically a one-time process unless a client’s status changes. When changes occur, the process of updating information within a Person or Case record can become cumbersome. Staff may have to go between the records of different family members and the case file to update all the required information. Too many cumbersome clicks. Users expressed a desire for less navigation and a more streamlined view of the monthly maintenance calculation data.
One of the most time-intensive processes in TANF case management is ensuring accurate monthly benefit calculations. To address this challenge, Handel developed the MER (Monthly Evaluation Report) View in our RiteTrack TANF software solution.
The MER View is a single screen that allows users to efficiently navigate the data involved in a monthly calculation. RiteTrack intelligently pulls only the information for the current month into the MER View, while historical data remains accessible under Person and Case records. Within the MER View, users can confirm and update household members, income, expenses, over/under payments, sanctions, and exemptions, and automatically calculate the household’s monthly benefit.
TANF Client Portal
For larger TANF programs, client self-service access is a game-changer. The RiteTrack Client Portal is an essential companion to our TANF software, allowing families to manage their case information online. Members can now review and update personal information (as allowed by the program) such as contact information, TANF statuses, and work participation activities. Forms and documentation can be uploaded into the Portal and then pulled directly into RiteTrack, notifying the case worker that the documents are pending review. The amount and status of monthly benefits can also be accessed. This can save significant caseworker time from answering questions about benefits, gathering documentation, and updating records. The Portal also provides a Public Calendar for TANF events and works with other RiteTrack modules like Employment and Training and Indian Child Welfare.
The Client Portal provides secure access to service utilization history and more.
Improvements to Affect Outcomes
Achieving Goals
The goals of a RiteTrack implementation include improving staff efficiency, affecting better outcomes for members, and ensuring accurate reporting for stakeholders and funding agencies. Handel is committed to continuing to improve the RiteTrack system to better enable success of these goals. The MER View is an example of listening to user feedback and acting on it to improve the experience. By simplifying processing Monthly Evaluation Reports and benefit calculations staff save time and are more likely to be accurate, improving reporting. Less time doing paperwork and lower-level tasks free up staff to provide more direct services and program improvement.
By developing the MER View, Handel has addressed inefficiencies identifying by users. We recognize that the success of any implementation depends heavily on user satisfaction, and at Handel, we are dedicated to ensuring happy customers.
Is Your TANF Software Helping or Hindering Your Agency?
If your current TANF case management system is slow, inefficient, or outdated, it might be time to explore how RiteTrack can help. With optimized benefit calculations, seamless client access, and automated reporting, our solution is trusted by tribal and state agencies nationwide. Contact us to schedule a personalized demonstration and see firsthand how our software can enhance efficiency, improve reporting accuracy, and boost caseworker satisfaction.