New Handel Web Site Goes Live
We are very excited to be live on our new web site. Our old DotNetNuke web site has served us well for the past 7 years but it was time to move on.
We are very excited to be live on our new web site. Our old DotNetNuke web site has served us well for the past 7 years but it was time to move on.
For the last six years the Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut has been working alongside Handel Information Technologies. In 2008 the Mohegan Tribe partnered with Handel by implementing their integrative, flexible software solution, RiteTrack.
The tribe improved their processes by adopting Handel’s RiteTrack as the platform for their Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) which is built around a “hub-and-spoke” model. In 2008 the Mohegan Tribe went live with, the “hub” of TIMS, the member enrollment and demographic module. The tribe found immediate success.
L-R: Jessica Ivansco (Mohegan Tribe), Josh Becker (Handel), and George Wood (Mohegan Tribe)
Over the years, Handel has continually assisted the Mohegan Tribe in enhancing their departments and services. Several spokes have been added to Mohegan’s initial hub including: educational services management, household information management, social services management, and many others.
Just recently Handel developed a cultural spoke for the Mohegan Tribe. The tribe’s cultural module will help keep important traditions alive within the tribal community. The Cultural and Community Program Department now has access to instruction and materials for traditional crafts and skills such as basket making, beadwork, and the making of drums and regalia. Through RiteTrack the department is able to coordinate annual festivals and cultural events such as parades and fairs, the annual Wigwam Festival, and Hot Summer Fun at Mohegan Sun. We are excited to create and deliver another reliable module to a loyal and true, American Indian Tribe.
Handel specializes in designing the best possible software solution for American Indian service agencies. RiteTrack is software for tribal, state, and county government. Our company works with tribal nations all over the United States in nearly every tribal department. Handel is an experienced, trustworthy technology company that goes above and beyond in serving American Indian Tribes.
What does a nuclear scientist, a sports nutritionist, and a United Nations Indigenous Fellow have in common? They were all members of the 2014 Handel relay team, Wyo Endorfiends, who competed in the Wild West Relay this past weekend. The Wild West Relay is a 200-mile run from Fort Collins, Colorado, via Wyoming, ending up in the resort town of Steamboat Springs. This was the third time Handel had put together a team for the Wild West relay, and fifth relay overall counting others. As usual, team captain Casey Bader assembled and coached this year’s team consisting of Handel employees, friends, and family.
The 12-person team started in Fort Collins Friday morning, running through the day and night, and completed early Saturday afternoon in Steamboat after 36 legs, 200 miles, and 3 mountain passes. “This was my favorite relay yet” says Casey. “Everything just clicked, the weather, the team, and the overall experience.” The 12-member team, ages 20-50, ran three legs each, ranging in distance from 3-10 miles with various degrees of uphill and downhill, and temperatures ranging from 80s during the day to a low of 35 at night. The Wild West Relay’s slogan is “Get Your Ass Over the Pass” referring to the famous Rabbit Ears Pass near Steamboat, CO, but in fact at almost 10,500 feet, Deadman’s Hill near the Wyoming/Colorado border is actually the tallest pass the runners have to traverse. For the Handel employees, their friends and family members, the annual relay has become an event to look forward to each year. It is a great experience that tests endurance, builds stronger bonds, and facilitates teamwork. The Handel team is already making plans for next year.
Over the past year Handel has been working with Natrona County, Wyoming on implementing RiteTrack for managing juvenile justice cases. This project is a pilot of a potential statewide RiteTrack implementation in Wyoming. Through this project we have learned about the Single Point of Entry model which, by Wyoming State Statue, states that every citation issued to a juvenile within a county of Wyoming shall be provided to the County and Prosecuting Attorney before that citation is filed in any court. This statute provides a “single point of entry” for juveniles. The law went into effect July 2011. However, Natrona County have had a Single Point of Entry model in place since the recommendations first came out in 2009 according to Amy Dorman who is the RiteTrack project manager for Natrona County.
When a resident of Natrona County under the age of 18, or over 18 but still enrolled in high school, is charged with a violation of the law, the county attorney reviews the juvenile and their violation with the single point of entry committee. The committee meets every Wednesday and consists of representatives from the district attorney’s office, Wyoming Department of Family Services, the Natrona County School District, Youth Diversion Program, Natrona County Sheriff’s Office, and the treatment providers. Meetings typically last 60-90 minutes during which on average 10-15 new citations are discussed. Upon a preliminary review of the juvenile and his record, a recommendation is made whether to refer the juvenile to a diversion program. If this preliminary review shows that the juvenile is not suitable for the diversion program, recommendations are made that the citation be filed in a court of jurisdiction within the county.
“RiteTrack is a critical part of the weekly single point of entry meeting” says Dorman. “We hook up a laptop or one of our recently acquired Microsoft Surface tablets to a projector so that all the participants immediately can get the big picture on the client and their family. With all the RiteTrack information at our fingertips and representatives from all the key stakeholders in the room it becomes much easier to assess the right path for each individual youth.”
Dorman believes that having RiteTrack as the central juvenile justice case management software in Natrona County helps reduce errors, expedites processing time, and results in better outcomes for the youth served. “RiteTrack is no longer just at someone’s desk. The other day I was visiting a high school and the principal was asking about a youth. Immediately I was able to pull the data up on our Surface tablet and give the principal the information requested.” Dorman also explains that they use RiteTrack in the courtroom where they can enter adjudications in real-time. The Natrona County Juvenile Detention Center uses RiteTrack to manage all processes from intake through discharge.
“Ultimately, having a single point of entry program along with RiteTrack helps keep more kids out of detention and shorten times for those who are there.” says Dorman.
Converting data from a legacy system to an upgraded solution is often a time-intensive and arduous process.
However, this may change for Tribes searching for a better TANF or enrollment case management solution. Working with the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians, Handel developers have standardized a data conversion tool that converts data from other leading solutions for TANF and enrollment.
This conversion tool identifies data points from legacy systems and imports them for a faster, more accurate data conversion. However, it not only converts data from only specific legacy solutions; it has the potential to convert cross-platform (meaning it can work with many different systems to convert data) as well.
After beginning a partnership in July 2013, implementation of the Soboba solution is currently in progress and the date for the Band to begin using the system to support its data collection for TANF case tracking and reporting and enrollment management begins the first quarter (Q1) of 2014.
The integration of information of these departments will help them better leverage that information and generate meaningful reports and statistics to further support the Tribe in providing client services more efficiently.
This RiteTrack system integrates multiple departments, including enrollment, TANF, family services (with child protective services) and the accounting department for grant tracking purposes. The solution has this capability because it is built on core, essential, shared data points. The database serves as the central hub of information with each department accessing consistent, reliable data on members.
As a sovereign nation, the Soboba Band’s mission is to assist American Indian families and future generations to reach their fullest potential in securing economic stability while encouraging wellness in the family.
Soboba’s Tribal TANF program strives to provide welfare-related services to eligible Native American families who meet all STTP requirements in an equitable and fair method according to customs and traditions.
Soboba’s Family Services Department seeks to ensure services for needy and vulnerable children and adults that aid and protect in ways that strengthen and preserve Native American families, that encourage personal responsibility, and that promote self-sufficiency.
Handel specializes in creating the best possible software solutions for American Indian service agencies. RiteTrack is software for tribal, state and county government. RiteTrack serves tribal nations throughout the country in nearly every tribal department. With the experience and accountability that Handel offers, RiteTrack is the trusted information solution that tribal social services can rely on.
Ramsey County, Minn. has partnered with Handel Information Technologies to implement a RiteTrack juvenile justice software solution to manage its juvenile detention and residential facilities.
The facilities using the powerful, new solution will be the Juvenile Detention Center and the Boys Totem Town.
“RiteTrack is capable of tracking the required data in a juvenile detention environment but also includes all of the functionality that the County’s residential facility needs for case and treatment planning,” said Dan Merth, Project Manager at Ramsey County Corrections Department.
Handel’s project manager said system planning and development is expected to last six-nine months with a flexible implementation timeframe of early 2015. “RiteTrack is designed well for projects where multiple facilities or departments are looking to merge their information sharing needs into one system. Through our proven track record with system design, data migration, and business and systems analysis even complex projects such as Ramsey County’s are launched and implemented quickly.”
RiteTrack will replace multiple systems; a legacy system which was created in an old programming language for the JDC which is no longer supported and a custom-built solution for the treatment facility.
The Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Collaborative for Change Web site says, “Providers rightfully tend to focus on meeting the needs of youth and families, but may fail to recognize the value of data collection and analysis. …In an environment in which demonstrating outcomes is critical, this oversight might be counterproductive.”
“The new RiteTrack system will generate real-time reports and notifications for case workers, administrators and stakeholders. The data collection and reporting capabilities will give the County high-quality information to produce client outcome information,” said Handel’s President Even Brande.
Ramsey County’s juvenile services provide “a structured and positive environment for the development of responsible youth with assistance from community partnerships and services within [the] County.”
RiteTrack, a Web-based juvenile justice software solution, tracks everything in juvenile diversion, detention, corrections and treatment cases from client demographics to treatment plans. This solution is designed to be the single point-of-entry into juvenile-serving agencies. As a youth enters a system, client information is entered into only one place.
Handel creates RiteTrack, a software solution used by juvenile service programs in state and county governments.
This July the Soboba Band of Luiseño Indians Tribal TANF has partnered with Handel Information Technologies who will deliver a TANF solution that will expand into an integrated software solution.
An important factor in the Tribe’s decision to upgrade to RiteTrack was the modular nature and consideration for future growth inherent in the solution.
As a Sovereign nation, our mission is to assist American Indian families and future generations to reach their fullest potential in securing economic stability while encouraging wellness in the family. Soboba Tribal TANF strives to provide welfare related services to eligible Native American families who meet all STTP requirements in an equitable and fair method according to customs and traditions.
Handel specializes in creating the best possible software solutions for American Indian service agencies. RiteTrack is software for tribal, state and county government. We work with tribal nations throughout the country in nearly every tribal department. With the experience and accountability that Handel offers, we are the trusted information solution that American Indian tribes can rely on.
Handel implemented a new RiteTrack system for the Natrona County Juvenile Detention Center on May 13.
The newly implemented, juvenile detention case management solution contains functionality for case management, document management, case notes and a wide variety of reporting features. The RiteTrack system replaced the center’s previous paper-based tracking system.
In Natrona County various organizations work together to provide juveniles in need with services. These include community groups, the school district, district attorney’s office, Wyoming Department of Family Services, Department of Corrections, Sheriff’s Office, City of Casper Police, and the Juvenile Detention Center.
The local Project Manager, Amy Dorman, said “RiteTrack has allowed us to view information on the juvenile as a whole including family history, school history, legal background, jail admissions and any assigned groups. It takes time to assess what is really right for a youth.”
The RiteTrack juvenile module met the vast majority of the JDC’s needs right out of the box without much configuration work.
Handel Project Manager Ben McKay said, “The reporting feature in RiteTrack includes custom reports about daily case loads, client populations, client demographics, censuses and one for an attorney in the District Attorney’s office. The ability to collaborate between the JDC’s and DA’s offices is paramount, because the DA does client intake for the JDC.”
RiteTrack is a software solution used by human services programs throughout state, and county governments. It provides the primary means for caseworkers, administrators, and other professionals to manage clients and caseloads.
The survey indicates that the majority of the juvenile justice agencies we interviewed rely on a combination of traditional, non-web-based databases, spreadsheets, and paper to track their clients. Only one respondent uses a modern web-based solution, and nobody yet relies on mobile devices for this purpose other than for e-mail correspondence.
This survey is consistent with what we hear when we are out attending conferences or visiting with prospective clients. We frequently hear complaints from juvenile justice professionals that it is difficult to keep track of their clients because they have to enter data into multiple systems, they struggle with poorly designed user-interfaces, and it is difficult or near impossible to get good data out of their systems. We frequently hear complaints that they often spend more time doing data entry than they spend serving clients. Furthermore, with some agencies having to enter data into multiple systems, it becomes increasingly difficult to get a single-view or report on a client and his/her activities.
There are several reasons why we are in the situation we are in today. First, juvenile justice agencies have not had a lot of choices of software specifically designed for tracking juveniles. There have been basically two choices: to either build a custom solution from scratch or to modify an existing system to meet the needs. Neither choice is particularly attractive. A custom solution typically comes with a very high price tag and a great risk that the system may not work as expected. Modifying an existing solution can also be expensive and can become a grueling project of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Often administrators must sacrifice the established workflow because, in the end, the new system works differently. Financing is also another reason agencies tend to stick with what they have already. In a time of ever tightening budgets, IT projects such as implementing new software are often put on the back burner.
If any of this sounds familiar, perhaps there is some comfort to know that you are not alone. Thousands of juvenile justice agencies across the country are dealing with similar issues. We are also realizing that the present situation has more to do with politics than it has to do with technology and security concerns, and fortunately we are starting to see a gradual shift towards technologies that can provide truly integrated information solutions with friendlier user-interfaces.
New Technology
As web technologies mature and gain trust, we expect to see more rapid adoption across the juvenile justice sector. A modern web-based juvenile justice solution such as RiteTrack will offer several benefits and will be
Easier to Use
Newly hired caseworkers just out of school would be stupefied by an old system with a green screen that would require them to enter every single field on a form before they can go to the next “page,” and where they would have to enter the same data on different computers into different databases. New graduates are accustomed to getting e-mails and messages on their smartphones, they use tablets for most of their course work and they are active on social media. On the job they now expect an easy-to -use system where they can enter data once, upload documents electronically, have the system auto-generate notifications to others, set calendar appointments, and which, overall, works very much like the social media tools they use every day.
Easier to Integrate
Old databases are information silos wherein certain information lives in certain databases and does not interconnect with other data in other “silos.” A modern web-based architecture makes it easy to create web-services, interfaces which allow the data to communicate with other systems whether a financial system, e-mail, or perhaps, a database in a different jurisdiction.
Easier to Access from Different Computers and Devices
A web-based solution requires no software installation. Users can access the system from wherever they have an Internet connection. This makes it equally easy for staff to access and enter data whether they are in the office, in the field, or at home. It also opens up a number of other options.
Easier to Provide Access to Others Outside of Your Agency
Imagine allowing a teacher report truancy directly from the school. Imagine sending an outcome survey to the parents and having them complete it online. Having a web-based solution truly fulfills the promise of getting the right information to or from the right person at the right time.
The good news is that RiteTrack delivers on all of these accounts today. If you want to learn more about how RiteTrack can help your county, state, or non-profit organization, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to do a personalized demonstration of RiteTrack or put you in contact with other agencies which use RiteTrack. Our fundamental belief is that technology needs to be a tool that allows you to spend more time serving your clients, not a hindrance that gets in the way of that mission.
Handel IT is the creator of RiteTrack, a web-based information management software used by human services programs throughout the country. It provides the primary means for thousands of caseworkers, administrators, and other professionals to manage their clients and caseloads.
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