Shifting Perspectives: Moving from a Punitive Stance to a Treatment-Based Approach in Juvenile Probation Recap
If you were unable to attend the live broadcast of the Shifting Perspectives: Moving from a Punitive Stance to a Treatment-Based Approach in Juvenile Probation webcast, you can register here to watch a recording.
The recognized best practices used in juvenile probation have changed dramatically over several years. The traditional probation model has shifted from a purely punitive and supervision model to a treatment and supervision model.
Juvenile probation now incorporates newfound best practices, length of probation guidelines, cognitive treatment-based approaches including addressing thinking errors. RiteTrack’s juvenile probation solution incorporates these probation treatment-based approaches into the case management flow of the system.
During this webinar you will see how a robust database solution enables your ability to document and store all treatment operations into one system. We will also examine how to incorporate the following areas into the interface:
- Case Plans
- Specialized dockets (e.g., drug court )
- Treatment groups
- Tracking Incentives
- Risk Assessments
- Dosage Hours
- Probation Timelines
If you are currently using an offense-based system, often the treatment approach needs to be tracked in a different case management system. See how one system can track the day-to-day responsibilities of a probation department in addition to the treatment aspects of probation.
To conclude, we will demonstrate the comprehensive reporting capabilities including standard probation reports but also how it can compile specific treatment-based reporting. RiteTrack’s powerful functionality helps create an inclusive probation program that supports a treatment-based approach.
Contact us to request more information or to schedule a demonstration of the system.