Missed the Improving Data Management for Juvenile Probation Webcast?
If you weren’t able to join us for the live presentation of the powerful RiteTrack module for juvenile probation data management, you can register to view it here.
If you work in juvenile probation and are using a system that meets the needs of the court more than the responsibilities within probation, this data solution may be just what your organization needs.
RiteTrack was created to meet both the specific and unique case management needs in juvenile probation departments and encompasses the unique monitoring and treatment needs as well and can replace outdated, cumbersome-to-use, or paper-based systems.
Register to watch this recording to see how RiteTrack’s web-based technology empowers an organization to improve case management duties and perform them electronically. RiteTrack manages case notes, tracks fines, fees, restitution, and tracks drug testing results and community services ordered by the court.
RiteTrack’s case management approach enables sophisticated data collection from the information entered by staff. This data can be used to create probation reports within the interface, and these reports are exportable to various formats including Excel and PDF documents.
Standard reports in RiteTrack include annual reporting and case summaries which compile important data based on the case managements functions. These reports provide a high-level overview of what’s happening in your probation program organization along with trends in your community.
RiteTrack can address many of the unmet needs in your juvenile probation department.
Register and watch today, and email us with any questions you have.