Nisqually Tribe Selects RiteTrack for Wellness Court System
The Nisqually Tribe has chosen RiteTrack, a leading software system from Handel Information Technologies, to support the management of its Wellness Court. After a thorough evaluation process in starting in late 2023, RiteTrack was chosen for its robust features, flexibility, and ability to support both current judicial needs and future growth.
Implementation Overview:
Handel Information Technologies brings extensive experience in implementing RiteTrack for various types of courts, including numerous Healing to Wellness Programs. Handel will work closely with the Nisqually Tribe to ensure a smooth and effective transition to the RiteTrack platform. The system is designed to support both existing needs and future growth, with opportunities to scale and adopt additional modules for Nisqually Tribe in the future.
Implementation Objectives:
The Nisqually Tribe aims to improve communication, accountability, and efficiency within and between its Tribal Court, Wellness Court, and Probation Department. RiteTrack’s seamless data transfer and notification system will enhance collaboration between programs and enable effective tracking of care throughout the judicial process.
Key Features and Benefits:
- Comprehensive, web-based system to minimize inefficiencies and data inaccuracy that is inevitable with paper files and excel.
- Generation of court documents to streamline administrative processes.
- Centralized hub for court and probation information, ensuring accessibility and data integrity.
- Seamless notification and data transfers between programs, increasing accountability and communication.
- Other off-the-shelf modules can be adopted by other judicial and social programs in the future, allowing for Nisqually’s system to grow with them and their needs.
Handel IT looks forward to leveraging our experience implementing RiteTrack for Tribal Courts and Probation Departments to ensure a successful implementation and system in this partnership with the Nisqually Tribe.
Handel currently serves over 60 Tribes across Indian Country and in nearly every tribal department. With the experience and expertise Handel offers, RiteTrack is the trusted data management software solution that Tribal Courts of all kinds rely on.