Recording Available for Webcast on How Tribal TANF Programs can Best Measure Outcomes
Measuring outcomes and not only efforts is becoming more important than ever.
With a possible change to the current TANF laws through the proposed Jobs and Opportunities with Benefits and Services (JOBS) for Success Act, is your TANF program prepared to report on the potential future outcome requirements?
If you missed this webcast, click here for the session recording where we highlight RiteTrack functionality that tracks and reports on the current TANF purpose areas and indicators as well as how the system is poised to report on the potential pending changes.
By viewing the recording you will see how RiteTrack allows you to measure:
• Employment attained/retained
• Wage increases
• Education gained
• Marriage and Pregnancy Rates composition
(e.g., pregnancies, single-parent, etc.)
• Client demographics over time
As federal requirements begin shifting more focus towards reporting on outcomes along with aid and assistance, it is critical that your tribal TANF program can produce this information.
The RiteTrack Tribal TANF module can unlock the full potential stored in the information of the program. Join us to see a comprehensive system that already includes tracking and reporting to address upcoming changes at the federal level.