Supporting Overburdened Staff with Juvenile Detention Software
By Jake Brandes
Sales and Marketing Executive
Office: 307-742-5555 ǀ Direct: 307-203-3205
In the last few years many juvenile detention facilities have been close to or at their bed capacity. With recent staffing difficulties, juvenile detention staff are overburdened now more than ever. As a result, staff have less time to spend with the youth at their facility. Tasks like checking up on previous coworkers’ shifts, tracking incidents, and recording room checks pull staff away from interacting with the individuals in the facility. This can make day-to-day tasks significantly more important to be completed quickly.
Our juvenile detention software, RiteTrack, gives staff members more time to spend with youth by cutting down barriers and speeding up their day-to-day data entry. This means that staff are working directly with the individuals in facilities more and spending less time managing data in their software system.
How RiteTrack Supports Overburdened Staff
Morning Reports
Many Juvenile facilities that use RiteTrack use our shift log report to catch up on their coworkers’ shifts. This report allows staff to share all aspects of one’s shift to easily transfer vital knowledge from one staff member to another. In RiteTrack this can be set as a dashboard meaning that this would be the first thing staff see when entering the software.
RiteTrack’s Shift Log Report
Room Checks
Staff can complete room checks significantly faster with RiteTrack’s Current Admissions report. This report shows who is in which room, allowing staff to walk around their facility and essentially go down the list of rooms and enter room checks with notes from either their tablet or by printing off the report. This creates a quick, efficient room check and data entry process and ensures that no notes are forgotten.
Incident Tracking
RiteTrack simplifies incident tracking, allowing staff to quickly document and access incident details. Incident tracking includes a detailed description, type of incident, restraints, occurrence data/time and location, staff and individuals involved.
RiteTrack’s Breakout of Incidents Report
Tablet and Phone Accessibility
A key aspect of RiteTrack is that it is available away from staff desks. RiteTrack can be used from a tablet or phone to track room checks, incidents, notes, and much more. With the system being accessible from anywhere, staff can complete data entry quickly and conveniently.
As juvenile detention facilities face staffing challenges and increased workload, staff find themselves stretched thin, with limited time for meaningful interactions. RiteTrack, aims to alleviate this by streamlining tasks and freeing up valuable time for staff to focus on residents.