Managing Visitation and Calls In Your Facility
Included, as standard functionality, in all RiteTrack Juvenile Justice Facility Management systems is the newly upgraded Visitation Module. This module not only tracks when a resident has a visit or a call from a friend or family member, it will also help prevent unapproved calls or visits from happening. RiteTrack provides this advanced functionality by first mandating that an individual receive approval prior to a visitation or call event. All requests for approval to call and visit are stored in a single location on every admission account to provide a single view for staff members to be able to add, update, and view information for that record. Consolidating this information is intended not only to save time and increase productivity, but also to make it easy for users to quickly determine whether an individual is allowed to have contact with a resident to prevent unapproved visits. Below is a view of our Visitation Approval screen.
The example above displays a resident who has had two individuals request approval to visit or call during their admission. In addition to tracking names and approval statuses, RiteTrack also tracks the duration of the approval, as well as a comments section to provide users with additional information or alerts about potential visitors or callers. As seen above, Ben, our example resident, only has one person who is allowed to call. RiteTrack uses this information in the Calls screen to filter only those people who are allowed to call the resident.
The functionality of Visitation Module is to help users screen calls and only allow approved callers to have contact with the resident. Only one caller has the approval to talk to the resident so only that person’s name is able to be selected from the dropdown menu. This functionality is designed to add one additional level of security for contact with a resident. Likewise, all visits a resident receives are tracked ona separate screen. Our example resident has no current approved visitors. As expected, this means that no name is selectable in the dropdown list to help users easily identify that a visit should not be allowed.
However, if a visitor has been approved and that information needs to updated, RiteTrack accomplishes the change in a matter of seconds. All a user must do is approve the correct person, as seen below.
And then the visitation record may be added.
RiteTrack provides advanced functionality without creating a large additional workload for users. Many systems have sacrificed either functionality or ease of use to accomplish the other. Handel has provided a way to achieve both. Users provide above and beyond service for their residents; Handel believes facility management software should provide above and beyond service for users.