Webcast Recording Available: Tracking and Reporting on Incidents, Restraints and Room Confinement with Software
Register for access to this brief 30-minute webinar that will illustrate how RiteTrack simplifies documentation of incident reports by creating a single, comprehensive document that includes all staff reports from multiple users on a youth.
The recording of incident reports, use of restraints and room confinements are some of the most important mandated documentation requirements in a juvenile facility. However, it can also be the most difficult to complete correctly and often requires the most administrative follow up to ensure accuracy.
Check out how RiteTrack documents the use of restraints within any incident report, and how the system can be configured to shows how restraint documentation can be maintained in accordance with a facility’s policy and procedures.
You’ll also see tracking the use of room confinements times in the system in real time—so that staff and administrators know exactly how long a youth is in room confinement and when re-evaluations are needed.
To bring all of this critical information together, RiteTrack employs powerful reporting options. All incident reports, use of restraints and room confinement data are calculable, and the reporting capabilities can generate statistics and graphs. This allows administrators and staff to know what’s happening in the facility, identify trends in the facility, and monitor youth progress and program effectiveness.
Register to watch a demonstration of this powerful data and case management system designed specifically for juvenile facilities.